It's finally here. The finish. Grand Finale. Le Fin.
Why I blog and a quirk I have.
The author David Eddings once said that if you're a writer, you will write, whether you want to or not.
I spent years fighting it. After all, writers seldom make money, and the image of a starving artist wasn't really in my life plans.
I've done a lot of different jobs in my life. Few of them really sparked my interest, even if they felt good for a little while. What I found, though, was that very often, I would loose myself in a story that I was making up in my head to occupy my short-attention-span creative brain.
This is boring, let's make up a story to make it more interesting...
The less creative my job allowed me to be the more... well... bitchy I got. It's harsh, but it's true. Much like a grumpy old female wolf, I'd snap at anyone and everyone. I chose jobs that had a lot of stress, because then, I could justify how miserable I felt using a mask of "I'm stressed out because I had a crappy day at work, leave me alone."
It doesn't work well.
Okay, so maybe millions of people around the world are making it work for them. It didn't work for me.
I got sick, I was tired. I spent years feeling like I'd been plowed under by a bulldozer.
And finally, I realized that I felt better when I was making up stories in my head. Not necessarily stories about my life, but fictions, with characters that lived in my head.
Why not put them on paper?
I am now, telling those stories, crafting tales that have lived in my head for a long time. I'm stretching my wings and learning to be a novelist.
In the meantime, I blog. It gives me an extra outlet, a chance to practice my craft. I suppose that this is also my quirk: I'm a story teller and a weaver of words. I answer questions in stories and carefully mold characters to reflect aspects of life as I see it.
I started this blog with most of an idea of what I wanted to write and create as a business in my head. That has evolved, and I'm not sure how often I'll come back to this one. I've got ideas in my head, but my focus has changed as I've found my feet in this world.
I am a writer. Writers write. And while, on one hand, it's difficult to let go of what I started, I'm finding that it's okay to let it go.
I have drafted the first of a 3 book series. I am planning another novel entirely for National Novel Writing Month. I am fostering my need to be creative, and planning the launch of my creatives business next month (Sage Wolfsong Creations), for which the blog is already running. Sage Wolfsong is all about being creative, being a writer, and the things that come from my heart and into a physical form.
As a family, we've started a concerted effort toward building our used bookstore, Once Written Thrice Read, and the blog for that business is up and running. There, I blog about the books we post for sale in Amazon, reviews of books, some of our daughter's writing, and a little more about living the life of a writer.
Funny side effect of writing my first book: My confidence has soared as a result of finishing that first draft. Aowynn and Teo (the main characters) have become my friends and a part of our family. My actual family has caught the spark, as hubby and daughter are both lovers of the written word, and they have both begun writing their own books. Apparently, we just needed someone to take one for the team, sweat it out, and get the ball rolling. Never really thought of myself as a trailblazer--I've always preferred someone else lead, to be honest. Yet here I am, setting an example by not worrying about what they're doing, and giving myself the time and space to write, and great things are happening.
Today marks the end of a 31 day voyage that took me 3 months to complete. You know more about me than I probably ever dreamed I'd share with strangers. I've learned more about me than I ever imagined I'd find over the course of a summer. I had a summer romance with myself, I suppose. It's over, and yet, it's only beginning.
I hope you enjoyed this series. If you want to go back and read the posts from the beginning, you can start here, at the Intro. If you're a blogger, or just getting started, and need some material that's a little more personal and offbeat, by all means, feel free to use it. I just ask that you credit your sources, and be kind. Then hop over to my Facebook page and let us know, so that we can all follow you, too!
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