- I'll be 40 soon.
- This makes me a Fire Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac. I'm not entirely sure it fits, but it is what it is!
- I'm also a Gemini, which makes planning anything tons of fun as I go shooting off in a million directions at once.
- I'm the mother of 3 wonderful children and step-mom to another His, mine and ours is about the size of it. And they range in ages from 20 to 11. The youngest lives at home with us (the others all live with our ex-spouses).
- We jointly homeschool our youngest. She's brilliant, high energy and creative. It keeps me on my toes.
- I love to write. (I guess this is a given, provided I have a blog, but I suppose that doesn't always mean anything). Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, spreadsheets... it doesn't really matter, I guess. as long as I'm stringing words together.
- One of the few things I love more than writing is reading. I'll read just about anything, Romance, non-fiction, teen fiction, chick lit.. If there's a half-decent story line to it, I'll read it. If it's not utter gibberish in terms of non-fiction, I'll plow through it.
- I love to cook. Throwing ingredients together to create something tasty is a personal point of pride for me. Presently, I have home made split pea soup on the stove with some leftover ham that I froze a month or two ago.
- I love my husband. He's my high school sweetheart. And yes, we did the big stupid and still married other people. Long story short, we're together now, and despite problems in our past, we're stronger than ever.
- I have held several jobs in my life, from nursing assistant to accounting clerk to legal secretary. My favorite job by far, though, is Mom.
- I am a proud US Army Veteran's wife. He's former Army, and very proud of it.. and I'm proud of him for all he's come through.
- I absolutely believe in the power of animals to help heal humans. I have a faithful dog that's been there for me through a lot of crap in my life the last 5 years, and he's stepped up to meet me every step of the way. He was introduced in my old blog, and he's a whole other story in my life. But I wouldn't be able to be who I am today without him.
- I love the colors blue, purple and silver.
- I love crystals and rocks. Always have. Can't see that changing anytime soon.
- I have fibromyalgia and chronic migraines. Pain is part of my daily existence. It's become a driving force in my life. Shortly after my diagnosis, I met woman after woman with FMS, and we all had similar stories. Those stories drove me on a bit of a spiritual quest. More on that in another post.
- I love talking to like-minded women (and men!). Especially about energy healing, all things spiritual and about kids and school.
- I love all things Scottish. Irish, too, but especially Scottish. I'd love to spend a year in the Highlands, but that's another post (teaser!)
- Chocolate is not my favorite treat. I'm partial to those things that are gummy, like peachies, gummy worms and orange slices (Jelly Babies are an especially great treat, as they're hard to find this side of "the pond).
- I live a mile from the ocean, and I love it. Though my heart is in the mountains...
- I hate endings. And this is the end of this blog post (but not the end of the story!). Stay tuned for more fun in the coming days.
If you missed the first post in this series, no worries. You can zoom right back to it by clicking here!
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