So, what annoys me? What are my pet peeves?
My Grade A, #1, Numero Uno pet peeve is drama. I have enough of it in my life already. Get me stirred up and you've got a dragon on your hands. And I don't let it go easily. Start drama with me, and you'll probably find yourself flying out the proverbial back door pretty damn fast. So, just don't. No. Don't.
Whining and off-key singing are up there with drama, but not nearly to the degree of fire-breathing, dragon-inciting annoyance as the drama-mamas out there. Mostly, I'll just tell you to knock it off, then leave if you absolutely MUST do it... Ear buds are my friends.
Enough about that shiz... let's move on to tastier topics, shall we?
My 10 Fav Foods? With Intuitive Eating, I'm finding that my tastes are changing, but here's the top ten list as of today:
- Pizza - Especially with shrimp and pepperoni (thank you to my hubby who introduced me to this delight!). Okay.. Qualifying statement time: I love pizza of almost any kind. The cheesier the better, and the shrimp and pepperoni thing is a rare treat (almost no one makes it anymore, and popcorn shrimp is kinda pricey for our budget). I usually opt for a meat pizza, or Hawaiian is good... but shrimp and pepperoni makes my mouth water.
- Chocolate ice cream, with chocolate sauce/brownie bits/peanut butter/goodies in it. Plain chocolate is a pass for me--I'd rather have it with bits of something in it. Nuts, not so much; but toss in some peanut butter cups, swirls of peanut butter or fudge, cookie dough, mint chips or brownie bites? YUM!
- Corn dogs - Yes, this one's a little weird, I guess. I love corn dogs. I hate hot dogs, but I love the crunch of a good corn dog. My first pregnancy, this was one of the few foods I could eat without getting sick, and I still love them, 18 years later.
- Cereal-Corn Pops, Cocopuffs, Chocolate Pebbles, Kashi, granola. Usually sweet cereals entice me more than plain "healthy" cereals, much to the detriment of my waist line in the past. Oh well! This stuff is yummy! And it makes for a quick meal when I'm distracted by creating and am too busy to cook, but still need to eat.
- Cinnamon Rolls - The ooey-gooier the better! Hot, sticky, dripping with frosting. One'll do me to fix a craving, but oh the bliss while I'm fixing that craving! Follow it with a hot cup of tea and a brisk walk, and you've got a morning made in heaven for me.
- Salad- Okay... when you're done getting treatment for that whiplash, or when you've finished picking your chin off the floor... Yes, I love salads. I have to be careful of the amount of the good, dark green, leafy stuff because of yet another health condition, but hey! I love a good bowl of crisp lettuce topped with some grape tomatoes, walnuts, a light coat of dressing, and maybe some tuna or mandarin oranges. Time for another salad, I think!
- Oreo Cookie Milk Shakes - Oddly, not a fan of milk shakes in general, but these... The chunky kind from Jack in the Box... Mmmmm. I've made them at home, and almost have the mix down right, but these are a special treat when we go into town.
- Apples with nut butter - I have always liked my apples cut up into slices; even more when I have some peanut butter, almond butter or sunflower seed butter to dip them in. But recently, I discovered Apple Nachos, and made this the other night for dessert, and it became a hands-down favorite of the family. Warm peanut butter drizzled on thin-sliced apples, with a handful of dark chocolate chips on top. *drool*
- Salami Sandwiches-My grandma used to make me salami sandwiches with Miracle Whip, and it was always this huge treat. Now, as an adult, I tried for years to replicate her technique, and never could, until I realized that, being married to a guy that didn't like Miracle Whip, plain mayo just isnt' the same. When I switched to Intuitive Eating, I treated myself to a small jar of Miracle Whip, and Viola! Taste matched, heart happy, mind sucked back into best memories. Nirvana reached.
- Sourdough Bread-I grew up in the San Juaquin Valley in California, just a couple hours away from this tangy treat's home base. Sourdough was a staple with any soup we had, and to this day, I can easily get lost in a few slices of warm, buttered sourdough. I'm pretty sure I look odd, sniffing packages before I buy them, but that's the way to do it! Only fresh, and only if I can smell it.
Hope today's post prompted some deep thinking of your own. See you again tomorrow for Day 8!
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