Thursday, September 8, 2016

Best Physical Feature and My 5 Favorite Blogs - Day 25

I think I can safely say that I am at that point where I will just be glad to finish this challenge. Understand, I have totally enjoyed writing and exploring these prompts with you, my reader, but the duplication is starting to annoy just a little bit.

So, one list I've been working from says to write about my best physical feature. I hate, hate, writing about this. Yes, I have some body-image issues that I'm working on, and for today, I'm going to slink out of this in favor of getting something actually done today. Ha! But you can fly over here and read my post for Day 10 for yourself.

Let's see. Can I entice you towards some really awesome blogs that I enjoy reading? Here's my Top Five list of favorite blogs that I read pretty regularly (I don't do many things truly regularly, as things are constantly changing in my life, but these have endured those changes for a while now, and they are what I'm currently following as regularly as I get).

1. Daniela Uslan - Lots of good articles on blogging; follow her on Facebook in her blogging group to connect with other bloggers
2. Hibiscus Moon - Crystals, crystal healing, crystal science. She does most of her blogs on Youtube now (subscribe for some really awesome content!) and through her newsletter that arrives, on average, once or twice a week. More often when she's getting ready to kick off another round of her Crystal Healers cource twice a year. I've been following Hibiscus for almost 7 years now. Love her stuff.
3. Elle North -  Tired of me crying the wonders of this amazing intuitive/healer/yogini/sage woman? Check out her deep insights on her blog, and maybe snag a course or two! Absolutely adore this woman's energy.
4. Randy Gage - Okay... so I don't actually read his blog regularly, but I do follow his weekly'ish video posts on Youtube. Great, rich content in short (about 5 minutes). fun videos.
5. NaNo - This is a fairly recent add to my list of regularly followed blogs. Why? Because I took on the crazy notion that I can write 50,000 words in a month. NaNoWriMo is a huge writing challenge in the month of November. I've been getting warmed up and doing some practice writing sessions, which I blog about on my Sage Wolfsong Creations blog. Really fun stuff, but as a first time writer, I have a lot of moments when I question my sanity in adding this project to my already-pretty-crazy schedule.

That's it for today. If you're enjoying this series, please hop over to Facebook and let me know! Or, you know, you could just drop a comment below. If you've missed any posts, you can skip back to the Intro and read from there.

Are you a blogger that's flailing for content and need a little break from your normal topics? Or perhaps you're just getting started, and would like to populate your blog with some great posts that help readers get to know you? Feel free to snag this challenge and run with it. Just... do so ethically, please. Cite your sources, And then, pop over to that Facebook page and let us all know you're doing the challenge so we can follow you, too!

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