Day 10, almost 1/3 of the way through this.
And today, we've got my Best Physical Feature and My First Celebrity Crush.
I hate talking about me, sometimes.
I was so conditioned, growing up, not to be vain, and here I have to pick a part of me that I'm especially proud of. And I've never particularly considered myself all that attractive, so we're going deep here to show myself a little self-love.
I love my eyes.
Truly. They are usually a blue-gray, but sometimes they are darker or lighter, depending on my mood. If you watch closely, my mood is reflected in my eyes, so that I can't really pretend that I'm okay when I'm really not. (But who looks that closely anymore, right?)
As for my first celebrity crush...
God am I ever glad that my husband is totally secure in his man-hood. I still have massive crushes on a number of celebs, but we're only going with my first here, right?
That would totally be Corey Feldman. Yes. I know that totally dates me as a child of the 80's, but so it is. I would watch anything with Corey Feldman in it (Lost Boys, anyone?). Had the posters on my wall, the whole shebang. Had it bad. And I was so glad when I "grew up" and stopped having crushes (you can stop laughing at any time now.. never mind. I'll just join you. I still have them!).
Yup. today was a quickie. If you'd like to start reading from the beginning of this challenge, check it out here. If you'd like to use this challenge on your own blog, go for it! I just ask that you practice ethically, and give credit where credit is due, and let me know, so I can get to know you, too!
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