Rolling into the home stretch, we're talking about my worst habits and what I collect today (isn't it nice to have a day where I'm not repeating myself?).
My worst habits...
I've got a few bad ones, namely carbohydrates and computer games. I would say reading, but we're talking bad habits, not just habits (and I can justify reading until the cows come home, mamma...), so that's not one.
Carbs... are my frienemy. I love 'em, I hate 'em, they're horrible for me, but I can't live without 'em. Not like my Type I diabetic husband can't live without 'em... You know how some people are super grumps before their coffee in the morning? That's me on a long term low carb diet. I'm Super Grump. Mind you, I used to be hung up on coffee and caffeine in general. My family, and anyone that worked with me knew, you just don't talk to Jenn before 8 a.m., when she's had that first cup of go-juice.
I kicked the caffeine habit.
Truly! I weaned myself off caffeine in steps. I might have soda now and then, but I've discovered that the only soda I really like is diet Dr. Pepper, and even that is just kinda meh... So I go with diet Squirt now if I'm going to have soda. I might do iced tea, but again, meh. Black tea gives me migraines, so I avoid that altogether, and most commercial green and white teas are heavily sugared, which leave a nasty taste in my mouth.
Get this: I am so not saying you shouldn't drink soda!
Really, if it floats your boat, drink it! Not to excess (like anything else, too much is seriously bad for you), of course, but feel free to enjoy it if you do in fact enjoy it. I just feel better without it.
Now, carbs are another monkey entirely, and I have tried... oh lord I have tried!.. to kick the carb habit. I've done Atkins, I've done my doc's low carb plan (no flour, oatmeal, rice, potato or corn anything). And I've lost lots of weight and felt pretty good for a while on those plans. However. Just like some people need coffee to be human, I need carbs. At least of the cookie/pie/cake variety. At least once in a while.
I've come to terms with my need for these carbs, and truly, I don't have them nearly as often as I used to. But I do love my carbs. Period. End of conversation. [much to my doctor's disgust, but my needing carbs hasn't killed either of us just yet.]
Computer games, namely of the social media variety are Worst Habit #2:
I like to veg out between projects, as a kind of way to wipe the slate clean and shift gears from one headspace into another (like between blogging and housework or between housework and building in Second Life). Problem is, vegging out for 5 minutes becomes vegging out for 2 hours. I'm just as bad on Facebook as I am with games. If I start scrolling through my feed, I'm gone for too long, and then look at the clock with an "Oh, crap, is that really the time?"
I can walk away from these games, but I always end up coming back to them. Maybe someday I'll kick it, but not today.
Collections... Do I even collect anything anymore?
About 2 1/2 years ago, we moved from a 3 bedroom house into a 700 sq. foot apartment. Big shift, huh? I used to collect all kinds of things, from Bella Sera trading cards to books, horse figurines, crystals (well, I think I got more into the crystals after the move), board games, stuffed animals, books, movies, pens, bookmarks...Did I mention I collect books?
I know that sounds like a lot of collections. I'm a pack rat in some ways, but nowhere near needing publicly televised intervention.
Moving into a smaller space meant cutting my collections way, way down to the absolute bare minimum. The books, I've taken 2 years to really thin through them, and now we sell used books on Amazon as a way to make my first love and hobby pay for itself (and for our daughter's home school materials). Truly, having three bibliophiles in the house can be a bit of a space problem, but we're working it out slowly.
The other collections have been thinned through, too. I've gotten rid of just about anything that didn't hold serious sentimental value for me (it's okay, Mom, I still have the figurines that you and Grandma gave me. I haven't managed to get clear enough to get rid of those). Some of the collections are boxed and will go to my kids at some point, others are carefully displayed around our little living room, like my figurines, shells and crystals.
But this collecting thing... In a tiny living space, I've had to come to terms with less space, and I spend more carefully than I ever have before. Where I might have, once upon a time, said "Oh, I want. Must have. Because, Cool!" I now sit back and say "Do I really love it? Or is it just totally cool and would better serve someone with the space for it?"
Letting go feels so good sometimes!
How about you? What are your worst habits? What do you collect?
Are you enjoying the series? Want to read it from the beginning? Hop over to the Intro, and go from there. You can also snag my sources from there if you're wanting to do this challenge yourself on your own blog (just be ethical and cite your sources!). Then hop over to my Facebook page, and let me know that you're doing the challenge, too, so I can learn all about you, too!
Until next time, lovelies, Live Large! Muah!
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